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Search results

  1. F

    $10 coupon code discount from BRS

    Hello, I do have two $10 coupon code from BRS valid till December 31. I don't have plans to use. PM if you want one. update: I already Pmed both codes. Fernando
  2. F

    F Aptasia

    I used this in few aiptasias and killed them. It works much better than Aiptasia-X. It creates a hard shell over the Aiptasia. This product box is probably new, it is different than the one I got few months ago from Frank’s Tank.
  3. F

    So it's always a good idea to have battery backups

    I purchased a Coral Box Battery Backup V2 from ReefBreeders earlier this year and it worked great with my wavemakers during an outage I had few weeks ago.