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  1. R

    KP Aquatics?

    Anyone heard of these guys or bought any corals or inverts from them? They sell online and are from Florida.
  2. R

    Here is something different

    The pic shows my rock flower anemone spawning, which is not unusual, but in the upper right corner you’ll see my clown fish eating the spawn released from the RFA. This is actually a screenshot of a video that I was trying to upload but I didn’t know how to do that here. The clown fish has...
  3. R

    Old Tank Syndrome

    So I’ve been doing some reading on advanced aquarist and came across this article in the link below: https://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/5/aafeature2 I noticed there was a few old threads on this forum as well and the article in the link above is from May 2006. Maybe there is more current...
  4. R

    Pics partially download in view slides

    When viewing pics the first pic of the series in slide view only shows the first 1/3 of the pic. This happens on my iPad and iPhone. What is the issue? Below is an example.
  5. R

    Fluval Evo 13.5 Gal Mixed Reef

    Recent pic of my 13.5 nano. Just added another rock flower anemone (look behind frogspawn).