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Announcement: MARSH donates $1,000 to Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF) (1 Viewer)

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Jun 5, 2017
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Hello members,

After our most successful Reef Currents, MARSH has decided to donate much more than we originally committed. We’re donating $1,000 to the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF).

Over several years, MARSH has been steadily increasing its charitable donations. Only after 1,000’s of hours of hard work by your Board of Directors and volunteers, we can now also financially support the rebuilding efforts of our threatened, offshore reefs with direct support to the CRF.

The CRF was founded by an industry leader, using hobby-fragging experience to regrow devastated reefs. Find out more about the CRF here:

Thank you. It’s been your support of our club and Reef Currents that’s allowed us to expand our support from the local and to now - the greater, national reefing community.

For you, our fellow hobbyist, we’ve also decided to expand Reef Currents. This is our annual reefing party: great vendors, free swag, and an expansive raffle with great odds.

Please mark Saturday May 2, 2020 for the next Reef Currents at the Crowne Plaza at Kirby and 610 South (8686 Kirby). More space and better accessibility means many more great sponsors and vendors.

We’re a club founded on helping reefers, spreading more responsible reef-keeping, and supporting conservation. See our mandate HERE: About Us

Let’s continue growing Houston’s reefing community and build a better community of reefers helping each other within a fun and exciting atmosphere. The MARSH board hopes to further expand its local educational & charitable efforts in the future.

We look forward to the coming year, seeing you at our events, sponsor events, and Reef Currents 2020.

Let’s make the upcoming year, bigger better than ever,


Bret, Chris, Cody, David, Deanna, Gregg, Sharath, & Steve