Hey reefers!
It’s been a while since my last update and boy things sure have been crazy. First off, as many of you know, Texas was frozen for a few days. Some reefers lost everything! All the time, effort, and money spent! Gone.I did end up losing one turbo snail, most of the polyps of my whammin’ watermelons, and a few polyps of my utter chaos. Flash, my firefish and my fire shrimp thankfully both survived the ordeal. Although upsetting to have some losses, I feel very fortunate to have not lost it all. Seemed like it sure came close though. My power was out for 2 days. I woke up to the tank temp at 68.5°F and scrambled to find a solution. I was able to plug my tank into my trucks inverter for 17 hours while waiting for things to thaw out so I could go pick up the generator. My poor Lifegard Aquatics 25W heater wasn’t able to keep up the the freezing temps so I had to place my 75W Eheim heater (normally used for mixing my saltwater) in the tank. I cranked it up to 90°F and things started warming up gradually.
Long story short, thankfully my tank pulled through and seems to be doing well.
I have continued following my bi-weekly maintenance routine of 80% water changes with good results. The water changes along with my chemipure blue nano packet have managed to keep my nutrient levels within a healthy range. My phosphate is normally <0.05 with nitrates between 1-2. Other than the chemipure packet, I’m only using filter floss that I change out weekly.
I have added some frags, snails, a squamosa clam, and another fish recently. I ordered some snails online from one of the best places ever. They got lost in the mail thanks to USPS. When I finally received them, they were all DRT (dead right there). I managed to find some replacements from my LFS. 2 Turbos and 2 Trochus.
As far as frags go, I have added a mystic montipora, meteor shower cyphastrea, Superman rhodactis mushroom, and some teal Kandy Kane’s. All the frags are acclimating well. The newly added squamosa clam is about 3-4 inches in length and really seems to like his new spot. He really expands throughout the day.
Although all of these new additions are exciting, my new fish is probably the most exciting here. I recently added a captive bred blue mandarin. He’s so tiny! Only about 3/4 inch. I have had him for about two weeks now. He is responding well in his new home and plays well with flash and my fire shrimp. Being captive bred, he has been raised on TDO chroma boost pellets. I was already feeding flash and my fire shrimp these pellets so it has really seemed to work out for all three of them. Of course the mandarin, named Blu, never passes up a fat pod. He cruises around pecking at the rocks, glass, and sand. He is so cool to watch!
I have one more piece of exciting reefing news to share within this update...
As many of you know, this tank was started after the break down of my Nuvo 40 that was running for a year. After some consideration, I have decided to start another tank! So exciting! I recently purchased the Nuvo Fusion 30L with APS stand scheduled for end of April delivery! I have already started acquiring equipment for the new tank and plan to start another build thread soon. Although more time consuming, I have grown to love this little 4.1 gallon slice of the ocean and plan to keep it running. Truth be told, I have never had two tanks running at once, so this will be a new experience for me.
Well, I think that should cover things for now. Thanks for reading! I have attached a few pics! Until next time reefers!