I have a large (female) maroon clownfish that recently (first of December) started laying on it's side in the back of the 75 gallon tank. She lays there until it is time to eat and then goes after the pellets, brine shrimp, etc. She gets her fair share of food. Then she goes right back tot he same spot and lays on her side. The MC was not doing this previously. I purchased this fish in 2014 MC was an adult when purchased.
Nitrate level did get to 80 and I have done water changes to get it down to 30. The other fish (Powder Brown Tang, BiColor Angelfish, Three Stripe Damsel show no changes in their behaviors. They are younger fish but I have had them at least 5 years.
Could this be old age kicking in? No signs of spots or any diseases externally.
Nitrate level did get to 80 and I have done water changes to get it down to 30. The other fish (Powder Brown Tang, BiColor Angelfish, Three Stripe Damsel show no changes in their behaviors. They are younger fish but I have had them at least 5 years.
Could this be old age kicking in? No signs of spots or any diseases externally.