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Sports Stuff (1 Viewer)

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Jul 9, 2015
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Houston, TX
Not even sure where to begin with all these boxes, but I can't keep ignoring them either.....contrary to popular belief, they don't just go away LOL!

I have boxes and boxes of baseball and football cards and memorbilia from the 70's - 00's (probably a few even older than that if they were rookie cards). Thankfully they're organized by teams, years, and brand (Topps, Upper Deck, etc). I probably have about 30,000 cards easily not including the plates, books, photo's, autographs, etc...

So my question is where do I begin? I know the 80'-90's were saturated with cards and they arent worth much. But if I was to pull out certain teams, players, or years..which would you recommend and what on earth should I do with the rest? I can't just pitch them.

Come all you sports fans out there, help a girl out!

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