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Sorry guys (1 Viewer)

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Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
South Montgomery County
Fellow Marshians,
I'm sorry I have been out of the loop for some time.
My eardrum surgery was a bit more than I bargained. (3 hours long)
It was a slow recovery then complicated with a good bout of the flu. I suspect could even be Swine flu from the way I felt. I actually prayed a rosary all the way through.
Haven't done that since grade school.
Congestion, fever, cough and sneezing when they are telling you Post -op instructions........don't blow your nose or sneeze through your nose but your mouth.(nearly impossible)

Oh Well, Slowly increasing my activities and back to work part time.
Let me know if there is anything I need to catchup with for the present.
Again sorry I 've been such an out of commission board member.

Cynthia Johnson

PS. I'm surprised not to see an ad posted by my clown fish looking for a new adoption nano home.


Glad your feeling better. That swine flu is epedimic for sure. Did you have any muscle pains, headaches? And most of all, welcome back!