• Welcome back Guest!

    MARSH is a private reefing group. Comments and suggestions are encouraged, but please keep them positive and constructive. Negative threads, posts, or attacks will be removed from view and reviewed by the staff. Continually disruptive, argumentative, or flagrant rule breakers may be suspended or banned.


I am a fire fighter. I have two children; my seven year old son has some special needs, but he is amazing and I happen to think he is perfect; my 18 month old daughter is just a joy and makes me so happy! I have a search and rescue dog, Charlie Brown, and I just recently purchased a puppy who will replace him when he retires. Strangely enough I have a pretty significant phobia of fish, but my son's dream come true was a saltwater tank so here I am.

I Love My Dogs Hunting, Firefighting, I Love Being a Mom Dear Zachary, Ladder 49, Toy Story, Despica
Houston, Texas, United States
Fire fighter


I just take care of Kyle's tanks. 220g with lots of happy residents, and a 14g biocube with two very spoiled Wyoming White Clownfish.:sunny:[/COLOR][/SIZE]


