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    MARSH is a private reefing group. Comments and suggestions are encouraged, but please keep them positive and constructive. Negative threads, posts, or attacks will be removed from view and reviewed by the staff. Continually disruptive, argumentative, or flagrant rule breakers may be suspended or banned.


I've loved the "aquarium life" since my parents bought fish bowl when I was a little boy. It had sort of morphed from there and got bigger and somewhere around the age of 15 I was talking care of my own tank. At, some point in time, I just didn't want to take care of it anymore and got rid of it. The allure of the aquatic life kept tugging at my strings and at 23, while in the U.S. Air Force I bought another tank and figured I'd try a marine tank. As luck would have it, a 6 week deployment and a lazy neighbor brought stopped any progress in my marine aquarium during my active duty days. Dec 2012, a member of my family was going to school for marine biology, and started a reef tank. OH, I couldn't resist! Jan 2013 I was building my own, and it's been running ever since. Learning as I go, I've taken up diving, and increased my knowledge of reef husbandry. I find it relaxing to sit in front of the 135g, and watch the little critters go back and forth.

You can find me at work in the Plant at Texas City, or helping people with AdvoCare. I do like to tinker with my car, though it’s not as reliable as I’d hope, and ride my sport-bike (I really should sell that thing).

Health, Fitness, Reef Husbandry, Diving, Sports cars, Power Tools!
Deer Park, Tx
AdvoCare Independant Distributor, Plant Operator


