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    MARSH is a private reefing group. Comments and suggestions are encouraged, but please keep them positive and constructive. Negative threads, posts, or attacks will be removed from view and reviewed by the staff. Continually disruptive, argumentative, or flagrant rule breakers may be suspended or banned.

tamer's latest activity

  • T
    tamer commented on tamer's profile post.
    ok lets do $60 i can pick up Sunday late afternoon please text me to confirm, since i might not ck the forum 202-713-4632 thanks
  • T
    tamer left a message on daniel19922127's profile.
    hey what would you like for the lot of corals ?
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    tamer left a message on Sawyerhu's profile.
    hi Id like the Monti cap rock please text me at 202-713-4632 to coordinate [ick up time and location thank you
  • T
    hi im interested in all of the corals please text me for cost and coordinate time for pick up 202-713-4632 thank you