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    MARSH is a private reefing group. Comments and suggestions are encouraged, but please keep them positive and constructive. Negative threads, posts, or attacks will be removed from view and reviewed by the staff. Continually disruptive, argumentative, or flagrant rule breakers may be suspended or banned.


Been reef tanking for 15 years. Had a thriving lps and softy tank for 13 years until I moved to the Clear Lake area in 2011. Set up a new 90 using the same live rock and sand(big ignorant mistake). I think the rock and sand was full of phosphate. Had constant hair algae/diatom problems along with coral loss. Lost most of my coral the first six months. Completely restarted tank, rock, sand, and all, Dec. 2013 after constantly battling hair algae to no avail. 90gal display, Tek Elite 8X54 T5, DIY carbon/gfo reactor, Jaebo WP40, JBJ ato, Oceanic chiller, Hydor 505 rec. skimmer, DIY 30gal refugium with chaeto, reef saver LR. Its almost March 2014 and my SPS are starting to color up and grow....finally! Man do I hope this war is over!

Reef Tanking, Hunting, Fishing
League City
Industrial Leak Repair


Josh Cooper