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    MARSH is a private reefing group. Comments and suggestions are encouraged, but please keep them positive and constructive. Negative threads, posts, or attacks will be removed from view and reviewed by the staff. Continually disruptive, argumentative, or flagrant rule breakers may be suspended or banned.

Search results

  1. Cina05

    Looking for macro algae

    Hi Marsh friends! Anyone here have a macroalgae tank or know any good places to get different kinds/colors of macroalgae? I'm thinking of starting one with a nano tank. Algae barn and some of the other online sellers seem to always be out of most everything. Thanks 😊.
  2. Cina05

    7 months into hobby - questions for the group

    So I got into reefing and set up this 90 Gallon in December. I just stumbled onto this group today. I have some newb questions: Does everyone use strictly RODI water? What's your favorite fish and why? What's the best sand sifting fish that aren't too messy ( don't bury corals in sand)? What...