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May 14, 2009
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Hardin, TX
flexrac said:
one more thing, you will see as you do your research that some corals require metal halide, that was true years ago, but with the intoduction of t5ho that's a thing of the past, plus i find that MH lighting do not bring out the colors in corals, you see their true colors under your actinics. i think the lights of mh are to bright for 55 to 120 gal tanks. i believe they work better with tanks that have depth. i base this on few thanks that i have seen with them on, even in the lfs.

don't believe me when you get some corals, at night turn on the actinics and turn off the white lights, yuour corals wil glow. plus have the blues on at night promotes coral spawning.

Thanks for all the advise.....we do have led night lights and the corals do glow like crazy....it is so beautiful to see....