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Review: NEW Coralife CP series suction mounted powerheads (1 Viewer)

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Jul 25, 2008
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Tempe, AZ Folks live in Seabrook
So I just picked one of these up from my supplier here in AZ, no word on retail pricing yet, but should be on point with the Koralias they are going after. So far so good, although the suction mount is a little tricky. It fell off 3 times, but once I figured it out its been good to go. They come in three models from 750gph- 2900gph which is the one I have(model cp2900). It puts out a RIDICULOUS amount of water as you can see in the last pic, and I am very happy with it. All in all I would say it is as good or better than the koralias, and for those of us with thicker tanks that make the Koralia magnets worthless, this is a good alternative. My only gripe is that they do not soft start, so an on/off wavemaker would tear them up.
here are some pics, enjoy:

Size comparison

Mounted in test tank

Flow on the end of a 20" or so tank... its pretty ridiculous as I said!

I bought it to replace a K4 and a maxi 1200 with suregrip mod and I am very confident it will do the job. at 14 watts, I am very ready to replace 2 pumps with one. I have been all about reducing my energy consumption lately, switching to T5s where applicable, and changing out multiple powerheads for manifolds and or more energy efficient pumps.

I am not sure the retail pricing on these, but I am guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of $75-$150 for the three models. Initial reports on reefbuilders and aquanerd said they would be topping out around $80 for the big boy cp2900, but I think that is more on the wholesale side of things. We shall see when they hit the stores. Sidenote: I read on Aquanerd that they have them in at City Pets, but I dont know the prices.

All in all a sweet propeller style powerhead, and kudos to Coralife for putting out a competitive product. I will chime back in over time to let you guys know how it holds up long term.

LMK if you have any questions!

Disclaimer I thought I should add as many of you probably do not know me. I do not work for Coralife, Central Pet, City Pets, or the supplier I got this from here in AZ, this is an unbiased product review and I actually paid for this powerhead with my own money.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
SW Houston
They work well. However, they are not available yet until I believe next week. Good product review.


Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ Folks live in Seabrook

Update: I just spoke to the Rep for Coralife, and these have been recalled due to suction mount not holding suction in SW only FW. Apparently the wonderful Chinese factory pulled a material switch (to cut cost and not pass it on to Coralife) as soon as the Coralife folks left the building...

There will be a replacement suction mount, and any orders fulfilled after this week should ship with the new mount not the old one.