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Science or just cool - LEDs (1 Viewer)

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Supporting Member
Feb 6, 2014
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Berthoud, CO
I am trying to reorient myself into reef keeping after a long break.

I am from the old school - Halides with Actinics to balance color. I used to run .two 400W halides over a 58 gallon Oceanic RR and had great results and color with a variety of corals. I ran a 6500 and a 20K over the same part of the tank - it was bright and colorful and corals flourished.

So I started looking at the LED offerings. I have seen mixed corals look like they were thriving in the local stores under LEDs while other tanks with similar LED light look kind like just hanging on. Some are brighter white and others are deep blue and not a color I have seen in actual scuba diving.

I've read some recent articles on LEDs by Dana Riddle and others. I think I have come to the conclusion that while LEDs can create some nice viewable colors, no one has quite published yet an expert guide on what color(s), mixes and intensities of LEDs one should use.

I picked up a set of used AI Sols - white, blue and more blue LEDs. Now they have the Hydras which include greens and reds.

I see postings from folks that LEDs are the only way to go and others including some of the well known industry experts say "tried it and going back to halides".

Certainly energy and heat savings are important but can anyone point me to a comprehensive guide on what is best for the livestock needs?

Guess we halide users are the Amish of reefkeeping?



Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Spring Cypress

Give Logan a call (203) 242-6301 or send him an email at Logan@reefbreeders.com He is very knowledgeable on the subject of leds. Very well known and respected in the reefing community. Has several interesting threads on both Reef2Reef and ReefCentral on leds themselves. Not on the Reef Breeders brand he carries. I am almost positive he can enlighten you on what you need to know. Tell him Omar sent you.


Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Spring Cypress

Give Logan a call (203) 242-6301 or send him an email at Logan@reefbreeders.com He is very knowledgeable on the subject of leds. Very well known and respected in the reefing community. Has several interesting threads on both Reef2Reef and ReefCentral on leds themselves. Not on the Reef Breeders brand he carries. I am almost positive he can enlighten you on what you need to know. Tell him Omar sent you.