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Recent content by BruceWinnn

  1. B

    Erythromycin for Diatoms and Cyano

    Has anyone ever heard of this method of using erythromycin treatment to kill blooms of diatoms and cyano? I was at a LFS and a worker fed me this info and I was really skeptical but it seems like what he said was somewhat logical. Erythromycin is used to kill bacteria and along with killing...
  2. B

    Any Clownfish clownfish experts? Need help

    This is my first pair of "designer clowns" and im a lil confused of the so many differebt variations of them. Well I picked up a "bonded pair" from a dude and I instantly saw one was a black ice and the other some sort of snowflake. They get along well and im assuming thats because technically...