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Recent content by dbrock12

  1. D

    What Electricity Provider Do You Use?

    My current plan is about to expire, and I am looking for a new one. YEP has the lowest rates, but I have never heard of them. Anyone on here use them and have any opinions?
  2. D

    Swapping MHs for T5s...Opinions Wanted

    I am currently running 3 250W 14,000K Hamilton MHs and 4 54W T5 HO Giesmann True Actinics on my 180 reef. I keep mainly softies and mushrooms, but I do have 5 clams ranging from 5in. to over 15in. in size as well as two large RBTAs and a Seabay anenomea. As the title says, I am considering doing...
  3. D

    Aiptasia Infested Tank Sold on Ebay....Unbelievable

    Someone that obviously did not know any better purchased an Aiptasia infested (More infested than anything that I have ever seen before) tank off of Ebay. Check it out...
  4. D

    Who Has to WORK this Christmas?

    Just wondering who all has to work this Christmas. (Besides Me :( ) Anyway, if you have to work tell us what you do and where you work. Me, I work at the Shell Oil Refinery in Deer Park. Don
  5. D

    New Pictures of my Reef

    I took some new pictures of my 180 tonight, thought that I would share.
  6. D

    My new 180 Gallon Starphire Reef

    Here are some pictures of my new 180 Gallon Starphire, Euro Braced Reef, only 24 hours after completing the transfer from my old 180 Reef. Tell me what you think. I do still have some rearranging to do before I will be completly satisfied (If that is even possible), but I plan on leaving things...
  7. D

    Clownfish Finally Decides to Host in RBTA

    My female false Percula decided today was the day to finally host in my RBTA. They have been together in the same tank now for more than a year and she has never shown a desire to host the RBTA. She has been in the RBTA all afternoon. My question is why now, after all this time???
  8. D

    LED Lighting to replace MH ????

    Anyone thinking of getting these when they become available July 31st. http://www.solarisled.com/
  9. D

    Glass vs. Acrylic ... Opinions wanted

    I am going to be purchasing a new 180 gallon aquarium and I need opinions of whether to go with glass or acrylic. I have owned numerous glass aquariums over the years, but never an acrylic one. I have allways heard that acrylic tanks scratch easily, so that is one concern of mine. Anyway, I...
  10. D

    HELP!! Do I have a pending tank disaster?

    Woke up this morning to what could be a pending tank disaster. My 180 gallon tank has (or should I say had) two center braces. Each brace is approx. one foot wide and two feet long. One of the center braces had come loose from the back of the tank and was resting on the sump return plumbing...
  11. D

    XLarge Squasmosa

    Robrog, Thanks for the HUGE Squasmosa, I think that you underestimated the size. I would say that it is a good 10 - 12 inches, and that is just the shell, not including the mantle extension. Just for comparison the Torch next to it in the picture is between baseball and softball size. The...
  12. D

    New Addition to Tank

    Picked up this Gorgonian @ TFD last Thursday. Notice the polyp extension after I added the Reefroids.
  13. D

    Emeral Crabs Reproducing???

    Anyone ever had their emeral crabs reproduce? Back in November I had placed 6 very small (body size smaller than a dime) emeralds in my 180. Saw a couple of them a few times that 1st month, usually after the lights went out, but had not seen any since that time. This past Tuesday, in the middle...
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    Six-Line Wrasse Opinions

    Thinking of getting a six line wrasse for my 180 reef. Anyone have experience with these? Good or Bad. Any problems with nipping at corals or clams? How about with other fish? I currently have: 2 false percula clowns 1 Regal Tang 5" 1 Yellow Tang 3" 1 Powder Brown Tang 3" 1 Lawnmower...
  15. D

    Pictures of my 180 gallon reef

    Took some pictures tonight, and thougt that I would share them with you.