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Search results

  1. D

    Great collecting weekend

    It's been a long time since I've been on these forums... Anywho, just thought I'd report that the collecting down in Galveston is fabulous. I got as many Peppermints, ghosties, blennies, killies, porcelain crabs as I could ever want/need. The weed isn't coming in much yet so the sargassum...
  2. D

    Fish tank failure

    I had my 180 loose its seal tonight... we have frantically removed a ton of water and rock and sand. We have also decided not to try to start over. If anyone wants some very old live rock and sand, come and get it ASAP. I have at least 150lbs of rock and probably 100 lbs of sand. Most of...
  3. D

    Tunze Stream Owners

    Well, I took the plunge today and must say it hurt a bunch :) But, I'd like to thank John at Global for being very helpful. Anyway, got two 6100s and a 7095 controller. Replacing a Gemini, 6 Maxi12s, and 1 AquaClear 901 in my 180 (72x24x24). At least, that is the plan. I've got a mix of...
  4. D

    Tunze Turbelle Stream

    Does anyone in town sell the subject powerheads? The backorder online is atrocious! Thanks.
  5. D

    Black Acrylic Sheet and Eggcrate

    Anyone know of any retailers selling Black Acrylic and/or Black eggcrate? Thanks! Darrell
  6. D

    Neon Goby

    Does anyone have one of these Gobiosoma evelynae or these Gobiosoma oceanops. I got an evelynae mail order last week and it appears to have inflamed gills. It is currently living in quarantine being treated with Nitrofurazone. The thing is, the fish appears totally healthy with the exception...
  7. D

    Sequence ReefFlo Dart

    Can anyone tell me the dimensions on this pump? I can't seem to find them anywhere online... Thanks!
  8. D

    LaMotte Calcium Hardness Test Kit

    Does anyone use the subject test kit? I've just switched to using this one and the results are confusing if you read the instructions carefully (at least to me). The titration is performed on a 1 to 12.9 solution and yields a reading in what is documented as ppm CaCO3 equivalents (after...
  9. D

    175W XM 10Ks

    Is anyone running 175W XM 10K bulbs? I'd like to give them a shot instead of Blueline 10 Super Whites but I'm concerned about durability and color shift.... Comments?
  10. D

    Ughh... a silly staple in a reef tank

    A tiny little staple ended up in my reef last night and managed to hide in the rocks (it had great survival instincts). I'm wondering how concerned I should be... staples have zinc coated steel, aluminum, etc in them. If it was just steel, I wouldn't be overly concerned but I have never...
  11. D

    I'm back... though I'm not sure anyone will remember me :)

    Hiya gang... I've been AWOL for a couple years and have kept me reef pretty static in that time, but I'm tinkering again. Anyway, just wanted to poke me head in and say hi. This is Darrell from up in Cypress.