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Search results

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    April BINGO Night sponsored by MARSH

    Am I missing where the Zoom link is?
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    February BINGO Night sponsored by City Pets

    I am so far away.... STOP
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    February BINGO Night sponsored by City Pets

    You might want to check your card. Both 24 and 75 have not been called yet.
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    I will trade these two wins for the Apex straight up.
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    I bet there are a ton of people who signup and dont play. Same thing happened with the last zoom bingo when the bonus prizes were called out the winners weren't playing.
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    shush...... less helping an more number calling
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    Thanks. Am I still eligible for the prizes in Thursday's Bingo? Cody who wins the Dislike raffle?
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    I was slow and got bingo at G56 and 2 more were posted.
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    Lets get some new BINGO numbers called
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    1 number away 2 different ways........
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    October BINGO Night sponsored by FJW Aquarium

    1 away with a few other 2 away keep the numbers coming