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Search results

  1. S

    ADA Cube'n it: Frags Galore Picture Trail

    Just some shots of my cousins tank (tmfreak) after a couple of phases. enjoy! Dosing & Feeding: 4 times a week phytofeast, oysterfeast, articpods, flake, bloodworms, spirulina, brine shrimp (frozen) 2 times a week: magnesium and iodide weekly water changes 50% DIY: Holding specimen tank...
  2. S

    Need a eheim 2217 canister only (the green part)

    Broke mine. I saw you had a 2213 one. Can you order me a 2217 one and how much would it be? Thanks.
  3. S

    ADA mini m first tank

    Sorry for super crappy pics This is my first tank and I know I probably should have started with a larger tank but I wanted to do the dueling mini-m. Just wanted something more original. Stand is sapphire aquatics acrylics stand. Saltwater tank specs ADA 5.5 mini m tank live sand, live...
  4. S

    super Newbie question

    This is my super attempt at nano tank and I know its is quite small and that bigger tanks usually are easier but its all have to work with. I my questions is this: 1.Tank is a 5.5 ADA tank 2. filtration will be from an Eheim canister filter model n Can I use OLD live rock from a previous...