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Search results

  1. P

    High Phosphate in RO/DI water with 0 TDS

    I know a TDS meter does not measure phosphate. So I have been battling a type of hair algae in a tank for some time now. The common species that eat algae (tangs, sea hares, etc...) do not touch the stuff. I have been melting it away with hydrogen peroxide and afterward doing a significant...
  2. P

    Building a sump, need to glue together some plxiglass

    So I am building a custom setup and I have a 30 gallon tank that I want to use the back half of the tank as a sump. I bought some 1/4 plexiglass and I have it all cut out the way I need it but I cannot find the glue that is needed to bond the plxi, it’s not really a glue. I looked at Home Depot...