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Search results

  1. M_Salzer

    Acan Growth Discussion

    I have an odd growth habit for the acans in my tank, wondering other reefers experience and thoughts. From what I understand they typically fill out the skeleton with heads and once that's finished it starts growing as a ball. mine are not experiencing any new heads sprouting; yet they are...
  2. M_Salzer

    Creature Identification

    Looking to try and identify this critter, passed on from another reefer who can't figure it out.
  3. M_Salzer

    Banggai Cardinal fin rot (need help ASAP)

    Hi All, I am new to the hobby and looking for assistance. I recently started my reef (14 gallon nano) and added my first fish after cycling with fritz and testing using api saltwater kits. My first member was a Banggai cardinal who seemed fine but as I added him to the tank after acclimation I...