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Search results

  1. M

    Poor boy Kalkwasser reactor, with magnetic stirrer.

    I kind of thought the same I really do not like the thought of using the ATO for the same reason. How often is your GHL doser running? I was thinking about purchasing a Kamoer X1 PRO 2 Micropump but wasn't sure if it would be too much work for it ( I have no idea what to expect for consumption )...
  2. M

    Poor boy Kalkwasser reactor, with magnetic stirrer.

    Any chance I can talk you into posting links to the products you use and some pics of your kalk setup?
  3. M

    Poor boy Kalkwasser reactor, with magnetic stirrer.

    but normally the outlet of these reactors doesn't have much pressure and feed into the sump. Which ones would work with the doser and have enough pressure to feed all the way up to top of the tank?
  4. M

    Poor boy Kalkwasser reactor, with magnetic stirrer.

    So I think I have a similar setup to you. I use an all in one tank and so a lot of the kalk reactors out there do not work for me because they rely on gravity. So I am wondering how are you pushing the water up to the tank? This looks really interesting and could work for me. I just don't...