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  1. Y


    Anyone have experience with this fish in a Reef tank? I have been working my Red Sea Biotope for a year and have many LPS and SPS corals in the tank with some chromis and a Xanthurum. I have read conflicting information on the Semilavartus with some saying they will destroy a reef and others...
  2. Y

    Blue Zoanthids - Closed for several days

    I have a 135, NH3-0, NO2-0, N03-<10, Ca=450, the Zoos closed last week and have not opened in 5 to 6 days. Under magnifying glass, there are small Amphipods? crawling around the frag rock, but not on the zoos. There are Palys, Duncansoma, Tubastrea, Plate coral. one set of Palys and a group...