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another observation with gorgonians. (1 Viewer)

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Apr 15, 2003
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college station where pernelf lives
does anyone keep gorgonians..? I have some of the regular purple kind, and in my 20k 400mh, they are not doing so good..

in my 10k 175mh tank, they are all fuzzy... since they all share the same water, it probably is the lights...


I have both purple and a yellow polyped gorgonians under my 250 watt metal halides. The yellow one is near the top of the water column and near the lights. They are both doing great. I don't think that lights are really the problem. If they are photosynthetic then it is good to have good lighting. If they are not photosynthetic then lighting does not matter much at all. Both, however, do require good feeding. Personally I am using golden pearls and mine are both doing terrifically, and I am finally seeing some growth on them both.

Jim 8)