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Auto water top-off (1 Viewer)

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Jul 28, 2009
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Spring, TX
I'm going out of town for a few days to a week and want to be able to setup an auto-top off with fresh water for my 55 gal. I top up with fresh water every day or two so don't want to leave it a week. I also don't have anyone who lives close to come in and top off & feed.

Anyone any suggestions for a top-off / top-up system. I don't have a sump or refugium so the top-off switchs have to be in the tank itself. I can put a 5 gal bucket under the stand and use that as my source water.


I use a unit from autotopoff.com and a maxijet-1200. It's pretty straightforward, unless you are going to try to hide the thing because it's in your display tank?