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BTA Feeding (1 Viewer)

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Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
Clear Lake, Texas, United States
Ok, so I've had a few of these and (either a tank change, Ike crash, or clown casualty), caused them to not last all that long. Soooo, now, a new tank (well not 'new' it's been set up well over a year) and new tank mates...for my new BTA (whew, that's a lot of new's). I want to do a good job with this beautiful guy (thanks Kevin at All About Fish). What's the best feeding schedule for the guys? What time of day is best? Anything other than silversides (I do feed my tank Reef Bugs every other day)? If anyone has general rules of thumb, I'm very appreciative!!


Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Fe
I have fed them before, when I did I used mysis and a turkey baster. Probably better to feed when the light is on as they tend to shrink when the lights go off.

That being said. I've gone a very long time without feeding them and they do just fine. The important part is making sure they are not bleached, as in they still contain their zooxanthelle making it possible to feed off light alone.

Anemones will grow, split, and live happily on light alone provided you maintain stable parameters and adequate lighting. They can be one of the more finicky animals in a marine tank, but should thrive in a properly maintained reef tank.

They do tend to grow faster when fed, one of the main reasons I elected not to feed mine. I still ended up with 8 btas in a year.