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Buzzfest (1 Viewer)

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jhand said:
Anyone on here going to Buzzfest Saturday???
Nope... Not really into the bands that are playing, but I AM going to see the Deftones in May!!


Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
East Houston (Northshore/Channelview)
I saw the Deftones 3 times last year. they put on a good show. I also got my tickets to warped tour, heaven and hell (Black Sabath) , and Rush. I am hoping that Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin and Puddle of Mudd come to Houston while they are touring together. Went to buzzfestives in December with 3 days grace, army of anyone and glass intrepid and it was awesome. One of the best concerts last year.



I will be there working for the Conroe Tiger Band if any of you want to come by and see me. We run the North 2 Concession stand (with a percentage of the sales going directly to our band and Color Guard Students.) I'll be at register 1 (the one closest to the stairway coming off the hill) if anyone wants to come by and say "Hi!"

I hope the line at my window is short when Hinder comes on so I can step out and watch them on the TV monitor!