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Can anyone give me a basic run down of what it takes.... (1 Viewer)

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Can anyone here give me a basic run down of what it takes to raise clownfish?

From what I've read here, you need to remove whatever the eggs are attached to and put it in a tank just for them.
Filter wise, what do you do? I can't imagine you can run a power filter or a bunch of powerheads. Sponge filter? Airstone?

Also, what all do they need to eat? Rotifers? How long before they can eat flake or brine or something like that.


No filter. With in the first 3-6 days don’t use an air stone just use an air line. The air stone has bubbles that are too small and can trap and kill the fry. For the first 36 hrs or so no light is needed above the tank, about 10gal or so, then gradually add light over the tank. Try and get it so that the only light coming in is from the top, so as to not disorient them. Rotifers are the best food. Baby brine is too big for the first week, I believe but after that it is ok. I guess early on baby brine can eat the clown fish. I assume that you could switch to flake when you actually see that they are clownfish.

Now this is all from what I've read in books and online and have taken away from my roommates and Josh. They are the true clownfish kings, I deal with more of the off stuff like inverts, non-coral, and scorpionfish and frogfish. However only Josh is on this site. We have not been able to raise the fry as of now but all feel confident that we can.
Hope this helps a bit and if I left anything out someone please help.