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DIY Central Chamber Refugium for Oceanic Biocube 29 (mod) (1 Viewer)

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Nov 6, 2007
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I can't seem to figure out (and don't have time right now either) to include the pictures that go with this information and the file is to big to attach so PM me and I can send you a less than 1MB pdf file.

DIY Central Chamber Refugium for Oceanic Biocube 29

My thanks to Kromix http://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/showthread.php?p=2852171
And Kamy http://www.tidewater-reefers.org/vb/showthread.php?t=2839&highlight=refugium for the original ideas and light info for this build.

1 piece of #5 Plastic Canvas – 13 ½” x 22”: Any craft store (Hobby Lobby in Houston)

2 Wide white 8- LED Bar floor Aquarium Lighting & Power

Cable ties: Home Depot or any other hardware supply store

Scissors (don’t run with them!)

Plastic canvas (removed stickers, washed, and rinsed with white vinegar, then saltwater) wash, rinse ties as well

1. Fold Plastic Canvas in half - short sides together
2. Temporarily hold tops together with a cable tie – if you insert tie backwards, you can remove it again (or cut it when you are done)
3. The bottom is 11-12 squares (depending how tight you want the fit)
4. Pinch the bottom and count 6 squares up cut between square 7 and 8 on both sides of the sheet.
5. Cut in on each cut – 10-12 squares

6. Fold bottom tab in and secure with 2 cable ties (or more!)

7. Overlap top (5-6 squares) and secure with cable ties

I tried cable ties in various locations until I found what I thought was best.

8. Add cable tie to side to secure as desired

9. Repeat same for other side.
10. Add lights to each side and secure at top of light (plastic) Cable ties

Note – first try I used dental floss to sew on bottom and secure sides. Very tedious!

11. Prepare central reservoir for refugium by removing lid, bioballs, bottom grate,
12. Modify top to accommodate wires from lights

13. Place in central reservoir - my first attempt was a bit to large so it pinched. I reduced the numbers above but I would suggest testing a prototype J
14. Placed live rubble and rock into the refugium and a pulsing xenia. Increased water volume with fresh saltwater.
15. Added Gracilaria after 1 week and there is a picture below after the algae was in the tank for more than 2 weeks.

Gracilaria after 2+ weeks. Lights schedules on opposite to tank lights. Removed heater - no noticeable temperature increase in the tank over 24 hour period.

Top off on occasion with water – seemed to hold volume for a few weeks but went down past few days while I was out of town of course! Topped back off and all is well.
I have not noticed any huge differences in nitrate level build up after water changes – I will add chaeto soon and let you know if that does better.