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EV1.net (1 Viewer)

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Dec 16, 2003
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Cypress, Tx
I just heard from SueT and she says EV1.net is blocking her from MARSH. I guess this has happened before and Sherri sent them a scathing email and they fixed it so their members could get onto MARSH. Well, it's happened again and when Sue talked to them they said MARSH was attacking their server and they were going to keep it blocked.

So, to make a long story short if any of y'all are waiting for responses from Sue or anyone else who has EV1.net it may be awhile.


Past week

Past week it has been very sporadic getting onto the site. I am lucky that the work connection is a T-1 type.....
But I have had the same problem... and I too suffer along with EV1.net


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know how on earth ev1.net got my cell phone number, but during a very nervewracking trip to a country club in Sugar Land in the rain with two very large wedding cakes, they called me about this problem. Being totally non-techie and not in the proper frame of mind to listen to a highly technical explanation, I can only tell you that ev1.net claims our IP scans ports looking for some kind of access to their network. I don't know how or why or for what the scanning is done, but they did tell me that the server on which our website is hosted is possibly compromised. They will forward the info to Blue Domino (our soon-to-be-ex-webhost) and hopefully BD will get the problem straightened out. I will be working on the new website on the new webhost this week, so worst case, ev1.net users won't have access to the board if they're using ev1.net to dial up to the internet for a week or so.

I'm very sorry, but it's not something that our website or its software is doing. It's that @!)(#*#$& Blue Domino webhost.

:( Sherri