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First Official Class (1 Viewer)

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Oct 4, 2003
Reaction score
Houston - Clear Lake near NASA
I just posted the details at DiveHouston. Here is the link:


I have some spot available still, and am planning the class AROUND MARSH functions so that it won't conflict with club thingies...

If interested, the total price would be about $350. That's approx $150 for gear (that you have to buy any where you take it) $100 for books, $50 for equipment rental (the stuff you don't have to buy) and about $50 in miscellaneous fees.

Compare this to a normal "store" class where the course is $175, another $150 for gear, and $50 in miscellaneous fees. I try to keep my classes smaller (which means more practice time and more attention from the teacher) and about the same cost (if not a little less)......

Thanks for allowing the intrusion!