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LFS vs. Online (2 Viewers)

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I know we all want to support our local stores, but I'm just curious what everyone's cutoff is before they order online? In other words, how much extra are you willing to spend to support a local store before it's just too much - 20%? 30%? 60%?

I'm just curious, because this comes up a lot about supporting our sponsors, and I totally agree with that in principle, but where's the breaking point? For instance, I bought a new Velocity T3 pump a couple months ago and was quoted $220 at one of our sponsors. I told him I could buy it for $160 online - his cost was $190. That was one case where I just couldn't justify another $50 (even after shipping) for the pump. Does that mean I'm not supporting our LFS's?

On the other hand, I needed a Mag 7 a couple weeks ago and ended up paying $75 for it locally, even though I could get it for $50 online (plus another $10 or so for shipping). That was a case where the price difference seemed reasonable for the convenience of getting it now and the "warm fuzzy" feeling of supporting our local stores.

I'm curious about this since Jim replied in my VHO group buy post to check our sponsors. I found the bulbs I need at one of our sponsors, but the price is about 60% more than online (and we get free shipping if we pool an order, so that doesn't skew the price any). So now I'm torn - at what point do we go from "supporting" our LFS's to charity?



I don't really have a set cutoff, but I will always go to a local store to check to see what they can do before I go online. I bought my bulbs from Keith at Aquatic Designs for just a little over what I would have payed had I ordered them online. I bought 3x 250watt 10,000K MHs and 2x 72" True Actinic VHO bulbs and the overall cost was about $30 - $50 more than that quoted online (not including shipping).

I decided there that I wanted to buy in town and not have to worry about paying shipping, or extended bulb replacement time should the bulb be broken during shipping (it happens). I know that when I buy from Keith, or any of our other sponsors for that matter, I will be getting a working bulb, and if it isn't then I can just return it and get a replacement immediately (I have done this before too).

If you have already pursued this avenue with the LFS, then it is up to you what you want to do. However, it was not mentioned in the original post, and therefore I did want to bring up the option before you commited one way or the other.


Jim 8)


personally I think of it in cost terms. what will it cost me at the LFS vs online plus shipping. if they are close-LFS. 10 bucks more at a LFS for a $60 item, no problem. 10 bucks more for a $20 item-probably go with online. there is one more factor-convienece. sometimes you just want it now.
I try to support the locals, but a good deal is a good deal. we all have to work within a budget, even LFS.


Nov 4, 2003
Reaction score
SugarLand TX
I tend to buy from the LFS first, unless its something exotic and they are not likely to carry it. I find that most online stores will charge you too much for shipping, and you are taking a risk in the shipping process.


I too checked at some sponsers places of business and all of them wanted $10-14 more than on line. and with free shipping this amount of cost to me if I bought locally for the same price as on line I would only get 2 3/4 bulbs and still have to pay more on top of that to cover the rest of the 3rd bulb plus the tax.
So if I went with Mikester on the group order I could get 4 bulbs for the same price.


usually depends on how bad I need it and how much of a rip-off it is locally................

no-one price matches the internet...........the internet is a magical place of low prices


rip off

I don't believe it is fair to say that the LFS has "rip off" pricing. Online stores do not deal with the same amount of overhead as the LFS.

Lets look an example. Suppose the LFS can buy clownfish for $3, but then has to pick up the shipment at the airport, acclimate the fish, quarantine and feed them. The rent is $30 per square foot a month and another $2000 for utilities, insurance and upkeep - plus salaries.

If the LFS sells the clownfish for $10, it might mean a very low margin for him after he accounts for fixed costs. The LFS needs you to buy your salt, mysis shrimp and a net so that he can pay for costs, his employees and yes, the owner should make a profit too.

The LFS always has the problem with keeping slow moving items. These are the highest markup items (other than livestock).

Then lets put in 80 hour weeks and make less than $35,000 per year, perhaps less.

I have yet to visit a pet shop that "makes a killing".



Other things that mredman didn't mention is insurance. An LFS not only has to cover the insurance on the store, but also has to cover liability insurance in case a customer get hurt/injured in the store. Whereas an online marketplace does not have walk in customers therefore there is no need for liability insurance.

Also, typically online places rent/own warehouses instead of storefronts which are cheaper. They don't have to have local advertising, signs, etc. They don't keep cash on hand, therefore their regular insurance is cheaper.

True, the online markets may have lower prices but I believe that they make more money than a local store since a lot of the overhead that would normally go into running a local store is negated by the very nature of the store.

As I have stated before, I will shop locally before I will go online any day of the week. However I do not fully discount the onine market because sometimes you just have to go with the price. However I do give the local store a chance to match the online price or at least get closer to it before I go to the internet for my shopping.

Jim 8)


Jim said:
Also, typically online places rent/own warehouses instead of storefronts which are cheaper. They don't have to have local advertising, signs, etc. They don't keep cash on hand, therefore their regular insurance is cheaper.

Not even that - many of these online companies have no physical presence at all. I would estimate that about 60-70% of the stuff I have ordered online was drop-shipped directly from the manufacturer. Next time you order something online, pay attention to the shipping label and where it came from. So, their overhead consists of hosting a website and maintaining a phone line for tech support (if you're lucky).

If I were an LFS owner, I would have serious ulcers right now, because I think the writing is on the wall. It will be the same effect that Wal Mart has had on small towns, driving the local small businessman out of the market. You're trading personalized service for low prices, but the market has proven over and over again that low prices (and a large inventory) will eventually win out.

But, I do agree we should do what we can in the meantime to support our local stores. I would hate to see the day when I have to order all my livestock by mail because all the local pet stores have gone belly up (but I'm afraid that day is inevitable).


mikester said:
I would hate to see the day when I have to order all my livestock by mail because all the local pet stores have gone belly up (but I'm afraid that day is inevitable).

I don't think it is inevitable that you will have to buy your livestock online. In the future the small LFSs will survive or a chain store will appear that will fill their place. The problem with the LFS business model is there is no economy of scale like with the online retailers. They also have to compete with other stores locally which drives down their profit. For a $3 FW fish you might not shop around for the best price but when you are buying a $40 SW fish price really matters. In the future I think you will always have a market for a LFS that you trust and pay more at but I think you will also see chain stores take an interest in SW fish and corals.


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Central Houston/Heights
I try to order all livestock from the LFS. With the rare exception of hard-to-find critters it just doesn't make sense to pay big shipping costs, and not be able to hand-pick my pieces to save 20%.

That said I will be trying to put together a group order of rose BTAs early next year, because with shipping I can get one the size of the small one that citypets was selling for $150 for $90. That's quite a difference. By sharing the cost of shipping the cost of the RBTA will go down to less than half of the cost of the LFS. It's hard to justify spending that much extra at the LFS with my budget.

Supplies and things are somewhat more iffy. I'll generally buy them online if the cost is 20-25% less than the LFS. If it's less than 20% higher then I don't mind paying the LFS for the convenience.




I spent $300+ at Global on Sunday and got my money's worth!



local fish stores all the way!!!!!! online is the devil :mad: :-x :twisted: :evil: