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lighting (1 Viewer)

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Apr 19, 2004
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Cedar Park, TX
Hi need help with my lighting. Need to extend the power cord. Tried to get an 18 awg with a rating of 600 volts but couldn't find it at any local store here in our area - have been to Radio Shack, Home Depot, Lowes, and other small store. all they carry is a 16 g 600 volts - this wire is very thick and hard to manipulate, it bends easy but I'd prefer the 18 g which is flexible. Pls help if you guys know of any store online where I can purchase these types of electrical wire. Thanks in advance.


The maximum current an 18 gauge wire can carry is 7 amps. Most wall outlets are on 10 or 15 amp circuits. The reason you can't find 18g power cords is because standard household wiring would allow those cords to be overloaded without tripping the breaker, which is a safety hazard (and probably a code violation).