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Maroon Algee (1 Viewer)

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Aug 19, 2004
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Seabrook, TX
I Started Getting a Maroon Colored Algee In My Tank, That Is Now Starting To Cover The Entire Bottom. How Do I Get Rid Of And Is It Harmful. If You Can Offer Any Suggestions It Would Be Greatfull Cause It's Getting Bad!!


It is cyano bacteria. How old is the tank? For new tanks decrease nutrient input and increase flow accross the sand bed and wait.

For a well cycled older tank decrease nutrients if there has been a serious increase or increase flow.

You can always remove it "digitally" (With your hand.) :D


Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
I had the same problem a few months ago. I think it was due to both lack of flow and overfeeding. It does kind of clump up on the sand so it's possible to pick out most of it by hand. My outbreak was getting out of control so I used the extreme measure of adding Chemi Clean to the tank. It killed it all of within 3 days. You may want to turn off you skimmer because it will make it go nuts. After the third day, I did about a 20% water change and turned the skimmer back on. It took another couple of days for the skimmer to settle down but everything cleared up nicely.


Although Chemi Clean works it is the same thing as getting sick and not taking all your anitbiotics. You run the risk of developing a strain of bacteria that is resitant to antibiotics. Since Cyano is a bacteria if you don't cut out the source of the problem some people will find that after 2- 3 doses of Chemi clean they will have developed a resitant strain of cyano growing in their tanks.If you want the poor mans Chemi Clean then search for Erithromicin on Reef Central. It is the same anti biotic used for pimples that they repackage and charge you an arm and a leg for in Chemi Clean.

In reef tanks it is better to solve the problem than to alieve the side effects .

Since your tank is new just live through it. Whatch the nutrients temporarily and live through it . Your tank will mature and be able to dispose of nutrients with out Cyano.

Flow always helps big time also, adjust the power heads so that the sand lightly blows arounds for about 20 minutes or so. The sand will find a new place where it is not blown around and you will know you are getting flow over you sand bed.