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ms150 2011 (1 Viewer)

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Jul 26, 2007
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45 South & Beltway 8 or Medical Center
Anyone riding it this year?

Here are a couple of links to my area, if you like to make a donation we would really appreciate it, you can donate $5 or $500 every dollar counts no matter the amount.

My MS150 Site

Click here to make a donation

Why I’m Moving Forward

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease that affects people in many different ways. It could be paralysis one day, loss of vision the next or impaired memory the day after that. Living with MS means living with uncertainty.

When it comes to MS, only two things are certain:

· Another American is newly diagnosed with MS every hour of every day.

· Many people are joining the movement toward a world free of MS – including me.

Why I Ride

I've registered for BP MS 150 to fulfill a personal challenge, and to help the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change, and help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. I believe in the work they do and want to be an active part of it. I know I can count on your help.

Let’s Move Forward Together

The Society organizes 100 rides nationwide. The funds they raise fuel research aimed at treating and eventually curing MS; they also provide crucial services for persons living with MS.

I’m helping the National MS Society move forward toward a world without MS and making a difference in the lives of 400,000 Americans with multiple sclerosis.

Please join me!

and Thank You!!



Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
My mom's best friend has had MS for a few years, and this will be the third year my dad's friend has ridden in the BP MS. Thank you for taking your time to ride for those in need. :)