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protein skimmer efficiency problems?? (1 Viewer)

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May 3, 2009
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fresno, tx/ HWY 6 & Ft Bend Co toll road
I see no head of foam on my protein skimmer. I believe it is precision marine in the cv line. my tank is a 92 corner and the skimmer. it looks like the cv626, but it is a bit shorter and not 6" wide, but I think it is bigger than the 426. the plumbing is about the same. I have a model 7 700gph pump on this thing and I see no bubbles at the top of the water. does that foam head build over the course of time? There is buildup in the top, as if it was not high enough to get in the collection cup. will this stop it from bubbling right? I do not think it is as efficient as it should be because my nitrates are pretty high and I have nothing dead or dieing in the tank that I know of. Nitrites and ammonia are undetectable.
thanks guys


Supporting Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Latitude N 8° 43' Longitude E 167° 44' , RMI
1) Consider getting a more modern needle wheel skimmer. You can do the math, and make up savings in a couple of years over this very dated model.

A mag 7 consumes 60 watts, and a more efficient needle wheel skimmer will pull 20-25 watts

For 60 watts = 72.56 annual costs, based on 24/7 operations @ .14 kw
For 20 watts = 24.19 annual costs, based on 24/7 operations@ .14 kw

2) You need a gate (1st preference) or a ball valve on the discharge of the PM skimmer, to regulate the water level, internal to the skimmer body.



May 3, 2009
Reaction score
fresno, tx/ HWY 6 & Ft Bend Co toll road
I am a nooblar, so i will need to google what a needle wheel skimmer is. I did not piece together this system. It was bought as a whole system from craigs list. from what I see, the skimmer may be undersized. I have a 92g tank and this skimmer may only be rated for 75. after displacement, i believe I have about 60g. the sand bed, which they called crushed coral is 3-5in deep. I have never seen crushed coral this fine, so im thinking they heard coral sand and believed it to be crushed coral. When I asked if they had to use ph buffer they said yes, but I am thinking it is because they had no room for gas exchange on the surface. I put an airstone in the sump to see if ph rises.
I have done lots of research but none of it has detailed directions on how to use things most effectively. It just says what to use and why.

I changed the ball valve and what might be a gate, it has a circular thing just like the outside water faucets. The water level is all the way up to the bottom of the collection cup. I am guessing this is how it is supposed to be. There was gunk before, but hardly any made it to the cup.

thank you for the suggestion