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Tired of two part/ Looking for a Calcium Reactor (1 Viewer)

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Pure Magic

May 18, 2012
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I've been dosing two part in my different reef tanks for as long as I can remember. I've seen others make the jump to calcium reactors with great success. Can you please give me some advice on a good model for my 90 Gallon?

I am gone quite a bit. So I would like to find a set it and forget it that can be good for at least a month running. I am looking into a Korallin C-1502 package 2 which is about $611.98 from Marine Depot. This kit comes with the calcium reactor, dual gauge CO2 Regulator Deluxe, 8 lbs of carib sea reactor media, and a CO2 5lbs tank. Click here

Does anyone have one of these setups? Is this a hard system to setup and tune? Are there any horror stories about using one of these systems?

Any information about this system is appreciated.