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Village 11-17 (no pics) (1 Viewer)

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Aug 2, 2004
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Sorry, this isn't the Narkon report. :) I just happened to stop in after a job interview in the medical center and didn't have a camera handy.

They had some nice ORA frags: some bright orange monti, 1 cream w/ green polyps acro, and 1 brownish-purple (maroon?) w/ green polyps acro. I think the acros were $35. Sorry, the color of that last acro is kinda hard to describe. it was a nice size though.

There was a ton of candycane coral. Must have been 5 big colonies between $35 and $45 each. I saw one pretty large green bubble coral that was around softball size. They also had some very nice zoanthids. Somebody apparently picked out a blue one (the writing was still on the tank), but there were others that were cool too. Each were kinds with different color skirts, mouths, and centers.. also noticed some smaller pieces ~20-30 polyps (perhaps broken off during shipping?) that were well priced. if you're looking for some zoas, you might have a look.

On the fish side, I didn't pay too close attention. I did notice that there were a ton of clowns in one tank. didn't check to see false/true percs or clarkii or anything, so you'd have to ask VTF yourselves. there was a gorgeous regal angelfish that could use some time in quarantine to heal up a bit, but it was still nice.

that's pretty much all i can remember right now. if something new comes to mind, i'll post a reply..

oh i almost forgot.. they had lots of xenia. not sure if anybody cares to buy xenia from the LFS though. they grow so fast that you could probably get a frag and grow your own to weed out for others (like me! :D).