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Hi im interested in getting all of the fish still available ?
please text me at 202-713-4632
thank you
what would you like for the lot of corals ?
I can probably do $60 for all of them if you pick them up today or tomorrow.
lets do $60
i can pick up Sunday late afternoon
please text me to confirm, since i might not ck the forum
Id like the Monti cap
rock please text me at
202-713-4632 to coordinate [ick up time and location
thank you
Is the RODI and mixing station still available? If so, I would like to get it all. I recently started back into reefing after a 12 year layoff.
Tom Gambill
Tom Gambill
It is, can you come during this week 4-6pm? or mornings?
I just changed my filter floss out last night and may still have some on the the floss. there are typically several dozen. I can save the floss out. I just checked and there are still several that a nice and red, but curled up. I can bag them. Let me know.
I am interested in the Ecotech Radeon XR30W PRO Gen3 lights. Can you send me a picture?

tank where are the drilled holes?
There’s a ghost overflow with two drilled holes for it and then two returns. All close to top, I’ll snap a picture and send later today
Interested in the 36 sump and a few other things when can I come see and pickup if all good? I live in Katy Thanks my # is 832-372-1164 Darin
I would like to reach out to one more time and see if you still have any Shermans left? I am interested and getting one from you. Please get back to me. Thanks, Tracy My number is done one post.
Sorry. Been sick and all over lately. Yes. Still have them. I will save you one. I’ve been trying to break the tank down but a, waiting on one or two people to come and get some things so I can empty it for good.
Do any of the them have almost a black in the middle? I would like to get one from you. I'm not far from you I could pick up tonight. Please let me know. Thanks, Tracy Text 281-414-4777
Im interested in the Skimmer
let me know if its still available
please text 202-713-4632
thank you
Hello, I live in Sienna and am getting rid of a bunch of stuff, not sure if you want or need anything but if you want to come by and take a look you are more then welcome, regards Darin
Thanks for letting me know, when can i come over to take a look?

Friday should work, I will let you know what time I will be home once I know, thanks Darin