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Recent content by dragon99

  1. dragon99

    GHL KH director

    I've been using a KH Director since it was released. My first unit had to be replaced right at 1yr because a tubing inside failed leaking reagent. Fortunately it didn't ruin the doser that was sitting underneath it, but it is is a concern since that the units have no water resistance at all...
  2. dragon99


    Their tests kits are quite good. The Mg kit might be the best available. The Ca and Kh are nearly identical to the Salifert (which is to say good).
  3. dragon99

    $10 coupon code discount from BRS

    I have a couple of these left that I'm not going to use. PM if you want one. Merry Christmas
  4. dragon99

    Dirty sump pics

    no judgement here, you have your Apex mounted... mine is somewhere...
  5. dragon99

    Discussion Thread: Easter Egg Hunt And Games

    Sneaky! I'm not sure how I missed 9. I even remember glancing thru that thread
  6. dragon99

    Discussion Thread: Easter Egg Hunt And Games

    Kudos, I searched all day but couldn't find 8 or 9
  7. dragon99

    What camera do y’all use with your apex?

    I'm using a Foscam R4, but it will only do a still image on the apex dashboard. It doesn't support mjpg format so I can't get video directly on Apex. I previously had a Foscam FI9821W that could stream video on the Apex dash, but it was only 720p.
  8. dragon99

    LFS Bus Tour / *FREE to Everyone / $2500+ Raffle

    What's the cutoff to register? Is alcohol allowed on the bus?
  9. dragon99

    Reefing Memes

  10. dragon99

    Random pic of the day!

    And now for something completely dif Aefw eggs :cry:
  11. dragon99

    MARSH Photo Contest

    Shades of Blue Was hard to pick just 3. https://imgur.com/KbPYyql
  12. dragon99

    MARSH Photo Contest

    Giving you the red eye https://imgur.com/wZejy9S
  13. dragon99

    MARSH Photo Contest

    Happy Egg https://imgur.com/Cv28bij