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Search results

  1. travisty282

    Curious minds want to know..

    I may be dumb on this, but why aren't there any frag swaps? I've seen and met plenty of people selling but never any meet ups or frag swaps. There is probably more to it than I think but curious to know. 🤔
  2. travisty282

    Tank Stand

    I am looking for someone to build me a tank stand for my 40 Breeder. Nothing extravagant and preferably not a fortune. It is gonna be a grow out tank with a sump. Is there anyone in Houston that does that? Thank you!
  3. travisty282

    Brooks a b!tch

    Does anyone have some formalin I can buy? I have a Clown with the start of brook and the earliest I can get it delivered is next week, which will be too late. If you do have it and are willing to part with it for some coin, please let me know asap. Thanks!
  4. travisty282

    If anyone can help

    Hey collective, I am battling a Dino outbreak in my Fluval 13.5. The solution is a UV Sterilizer of at least 12w. I'll be honest and say I can't afford one at the moment and wanted to see if anyone has one they would let me borrow for a couple weeks. I know I'm stretching here but I figured I'd...
  5. travisty282

    ICP Test Won't Register to App

    Not sure I'm in the right thread but I purchased an ICP Test from ICP analysis through Marsh and when I attemp to register it on the app it says invalid test. I've scanned every barecode and QR the app would let me. Not sure what to do next. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
  6. travisty282

    Black slime. What is this?

    Can anyone help me identify what this black slime is? I've added chemi-clean, already had a bit of cyano to get rid of. It doesn't look like cyano and no matter how much I google or how I word it, it doesn't show any results that match.
  7. travisty282

    Seeking Macros

    Howdy, I am in search of Macros for a Macro tank and the selection online is slim pickins. Most seem to be located in Florida and Ian hit them hard. Anyone know of local shops or online shops that keep a good selection? I'd also be interested in any that yall have laying around. I'd take free...
  8. travisty282

    Small meet up maybe...

    Does anyone in this group ever meet up for just a hang out? Or maybe a trip to a local store? Just curious. This may not be allowed but I was curious.