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Search results

  1. C

    Lighting Recommendations

    I'm considering replacing my lighting fixture. Currently I have a 48" 2x54w, one white one blue actinic bulb. I have a 55gal reef tank with a mix of coral. I've had my system for about 9 months now and following tests and research I feel my lighting is wholely inadequate for what I have. It may...
  2. C

    Algae Identification and Solution

    I've started to see a spread of what looks like a green hair algae or other plant material. It is spreading across the tank and now taking over corals. I've also got areas of my live rock with a brownish algae cover. I'm trying to get some identification of these and hopefully a solution to get...
  3. C

    Auto water top-off

    I'm going out of town for a few days to a week and want to be able to setup an auto-top off with fresh water for my 55 gal. I top up with fresh water every day or two so don't want to leave it a week. I also don't have anyone who lives close to come in and top off & feed. Anyone any suggestions...
  4. C

    Yellow Tail Blue Damsels

    I bought two Yellow Tail Damsels for my 55g. I already had 2 clowns and 1 Yellow Tang. Everything was fine with all the fish for about 3 days. The damsels swim around no problem. The yesterday my wife could only really see 1 of them. I looked around when I got home and both are still in the...