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2.5 gallon snow globe (2 Viewers)

  • Thread starter dreamersdisease
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the mandarin has moved on to a much bigger home. he will be missed, but the new sexy shrimp are super fun to watch. thanks leslea.

this shot reminds me of Where's Waldo

two of five perched on the ricordea

new bicolor blenny. no name yet...

i've been watching this critter grow for two weeks now. i think he's a horned nudibranch.


HI your tank looks great. I just started my 2.5 gal. REEF tonight. I went to Villiage Tropical and purchased my LF. I started the cycle tonight. I could not find any RO so I bought distilled.

They told me I had to wait about 2 weeks to put in a fish, does that sound right? I thought a month, but they said with it being so small that it will be sooner? What should I put in next? I have some Coral Sand with the LR I just bought. I would like to have any of the following:
1 Hippo Tang/ regal tang
2. Common Clownfish –
3.Fire Shrimp
4 Royal Gamma-
5.Purple Firefish
6. Mandarin fish

I know that the tang can get big, but I plan on getting a larger tank down the line. I saw a very very tiny one at Village Fish.
Can I put any of these in my tank? They said pretty much anything I put in it will eventually outgrow it, but they said it would be a long while.
What should be my next purchase a cleaner crew and if so what should I get? I would like an emerald crab if they are ok w/corals and such as I do want to make this tank REEF. Any suggestions


Apr 10, 2005
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1&6 are never ever. To be honest I would only do the shrimp but I suppose you could do ONE fish. I think you would be better off making the 2.5 a shrimp/coral only tank. If I were you I would go and spend $100 bucks on a tank and stand for a 29 gallon and start from there it will make really open up some options.


bluesop7- thanks, i kinda wish i still had it. my 7 gallon upgrade looks empty, but i know it will grow in just as nice. one day...

milomlo- stick with the gobies, and dartfishes, and shrimp. while tangs, angels, and mandarins that you looked at might be small, and seem like they might do well in such a small environment, they will slowly starve to death. i admit they look awesome in a small tank, but they just don't belong in there. it's best that you wait until you get that larger tank and can provide them with the right amount of food. if you want to put corals in there you will have to upgrade the lighting. i used an 18 watt coralife pc fixture right on top and it still wasn't enough light. i still use kent nano-reef for my 7 gal. and i swear by the stuff. perfect ph, kh, calcium, and trace elements too. as for the emerald crab, that's a big no in my book if you plan on having any coral in there. they will knock stuff over all the time too. fire, cleaner, sexy, and coral banded shrimp will all do well in that tiny space. you must keep calcium levels up or they will not be able to molt. pistol shrimp have a very neat symbiotic relationship with their shrimp gobies and are a blast to watch together, but the shrimp will make a mess of your substrate. i think it looks cool, the everchanging landscape. just make sure you do your research before you purchase anything, it's not as easy as you think to just pull something out later on down the road. i have five nassuras snails and five blue leg hermit crabs all the size of a dime cleaning my 14 gallon right now. a good rule of thumb is 1 crab per gallon of water. good luck!