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Algae Magnet Recommendation (1 Viewer)

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Jun 24, 2003
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Garden Oaks
I'm planning to mount my powerheads on algae magnets and ditch the acrylic brackets that I've been using (they have all broken over time due to the on and off pulsing of the wavemaker).

My glass is 1/2 inch thick.

I don't need anything fancy, nor do I need anything that floats because I'm not going to use it for cleaning, just holding the pump in place. I would also prefer not to spend a small fortune on the magnets sold expressly for this purpose because they want a king's ransom for them and it's not worth it to me. Any strong magnet algae thingy will work!

Any ideas as to what brand I should buy? Tunze seems to be the best bang for the buck, but if there's other brands out there that you've used on glass as thick as mine, I'd love to hear about it!

Thanks in advance for any experience you can pass along.