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Can Coral Reefs be Saved by Silicon Sunflowers? If They are Robots, Maybe. (1 Viewer)

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Apr 24, 2018
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S.E. Texas
Robot jellyfish could save the world’s coral reefs article
by Mike Wehner September 18th, 2018

"The world’s coral reefs are in dire need of some love. Global warming and ocean temperature spikes have left massive stretches of vital coral reefs damaged, possibly beyond all repair, and if we don’t do something to stop the continuing damage it’s going to cost mankind dearly. But studying coral is no easy task, so researchers from the US Office of Naval Research and Florida Atlantic University have come up with a solution.

The issue at hand is the fragility of coral itself. It’s incredibly hard to monitor reef habitats and the health of the reef ecosystem using human divers or bulky equipment which could cause damage. The solution? Soft-bodied robotic jellyfish." That look like sunflowers! :eek: Link to original article below

