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chromis - sick or injured? (1 Viewer)

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Yesterday afternoon I bought 3 blue-green chromis, which are to be the first additions to our 75 gallon tank. After a 6 minute dip in buffered fresh water and methylene blue, I transferred them to a 10 gallon quarantine tank. All tolerated the dip well, and by evening were swimming together around their new temporary home. Although all looked healthy last night, this morning one of them has a bruise-like, reddish vertical line through his mid-section. Only on one side. The scales are a little raised in that area, too, as if it's swollen. He’s swimming normally, breathing normally, doesn’t appear stressed. Having no fish experience, my best guess is a bruise – maybe a net injury or something? Do fish get bruises? If it is a bruise, will it heal on its own with good water quality…and how long before I should see improvement? Is there some sort of disease it could be? or something else I should be watching for? Ammonia is at .1, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 2.0. I'm doing a 2 gallon water change now. ...thanks for any info...


I went through the exact same thing. Bought 3 green chromises, they looked like buddys during the day but were fighting at night. Within a few days, it was down to 1 chromis. They are not as docile as most people think - they are damsels after all.