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Close call with our new clown (1 Viewer)

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Mar 31, 2012
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So we put our new clown into his permanent residence today from his 2 week quarantine. Everything looked good. He was swimming, eating, and seemed to be enjoying the aquascape. We went lights out and I was just sitting here, scouring the interwebz in the dark like I normally do. I'm starting to get a little sleepy so I go to the restroom and grab a Mucinex to make sure I'll be able to breathe when I go to bed. Walk to the kitchen and hit the light to grab a glass of water and talk the Mucinex horse pill. I'm standing there drinking the water when I glance over at the 34 and don't see the clown. I didn't think much of it but it made me curious to see where he layed stake. I'm searching for a good 30 secs and I don't see him. I think to myself, "he must have found a good hole cuz I'm not seeing anything." For some reason I looked in the right side overflow and saw what resembled a fish. CRAP! The last "tooth" on the overflow was just wide enough for him to slide through. He was lying on the sponge that I put on the backside of the overflow to catch junk. Luckily, water was steadily pouring on him but he was above the water level in the rear sump. I put him back in the tank and got some sponge. I cut it to fill the void where he slid through. Tomorrow, if he's still alive, I'll figure out something that looks a little better. This is where he went through and I filled.

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