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Cold Water Species (1 Viewer)

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Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Houston, Near Bellaire
reposted from alt.binaries.images.underwater

a cool cold water striped starfish and more at the poster's

Not sure of the name of the species. Books packed for moving.
Can start to see the effect of backscatter - my flash arm is to short to
light up the subject and prevent the almost parallel light being reflected
back to lens.
The backscatter effect allows the white spots or "snow" to show up.
Eventually I'll have a longer arm for the flash and this will allow for
pictures to be taken from further away.

Location Ogden Point in Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

Original image size in pixels is: 3072 x 2304. Higher quality or original
images available upon request.
Most, but not all, images available as JPeg, Olympus Raw & Tiff.
The tiff images are all the same size = tiff 20.2 MB

My website is at:
Website started out as what I'd like to do with technology to help out the
environment. Farms are located near wild places - reducing the toxins the
farmers use not only protects us from cancers but also wild animals.
I completed my Computer Engineering degree in 2005.
Since I have the space I figured I might as well use it to show the cool and
beautiful things I see underwater here in British Columbia, Canada

Check out these other cool websites I found:
1. http://www.dancingfish.com
2. http://backgroundsarchive.com/desktop/animals.php

To email me remove the nospam from email address.

