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How far to tear down my tank when rebuilding my system ? (1 Viewer)

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Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Greatwood Sub of Sugar Land
So, my tank had been practically running itself for a long time. Good LED lights and a dosing pump helped out. Unfortunately, when away on a trip, my tripped GFI and no pump situation went unnoticed for a day. I lost all three fish and then my clam about a week or two later. My tank was already having some problems. I had some hair algea that had been growing rufshod all over my tank. I had a cyano outbreak that covered my macro in my fuge. My macro never recovered from this. I also tested my RODI and found it was no longer effective. Who knows how long I had been topping off with what was effectively tapwater ? I cut feeding to damn near zero since I had no fish. the only thing growing was algea, and not the macro kind...

So... I have now resolved to tear the whole system down and repair things that needed fixing and re-do the live rock, etc... I want to kill the algea, delete some pest palythoas that had been growing too close to my macromusa. I have a few things that have survived that I need to keep alive. I have a macromusa, some small SPS corals frags (now tiny) and some softies, like a very healthy devil's hand and a thick branched sinularia. I may find some other little guys, maybe shrroms when I pull it apart. Everything has a gross covering of algea on it.

I am planning on removing all the live rock. The ones that have nothing interesting living on them will go into a 5 gal bucket with a lid and full of saltwater. I'll put it on my back porch for about 6-8 weeks. Should I do anything else with the live rock to cure it, in case its now leaching nitrates or other stuff. ??

What about my sand ? Should I stir it all up in a 5 gal bucket and pump chlorinated tap water thru it ? I'd like to re-use it if possible, just from a sustainability standpoint. Should I take everything out and clean the tank with vinegar ?



Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Greatwood Sub of Sugar Land
Well, I have decided to re-do it all. I am going to cure my live rock and get rid of the Palys and the vermetid snails. I do have some corals that I would like to keep. If anyone in the Sugarland/Richmond/Rosenberg area can host a small micromusa that would be great. It was on an island surrounded by palythoas, and everytime I would strip them off, some corals would bleach, and the micromusa would suffer too. They are the part of the reason for curing my live rock, but I need a place to keep it while the new tank cycles.

I also have a nice devil's hand and a thick branched sinularia and a toadstool that I'd like to keep. I 'd trade them for rent on the micromusa is someone is able to coral sit for me.



Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
Sugar Land, TX
I just saw in your other post that you're in Greatwood. Did you find someone to hold on to the micromusa for you? I live in Greatwood Forest, and could probably hold it for you. You're welcome to come by and check out my set-up to see if you're comfortable leaving it with me.

Feel free to call if interested (713 498-9595)
